Empowering Azad Jammu Kashmir Through Cricket: A Vision for Global Recognition


In the scenic landscapes of Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK), where natural beauty intertwines with the rich cultural heritage, a new vision is emerging—one that aims to elevate the region onto the global stage through the power of cricket. Spearheaded by the visionary Kashif Devel, this endeavor is fueled by a profound mission, guided by core values that echo the spirit of fairness, integrity, transparency, and commitment.


The overarching vision of Kashif Devel for Azad Jammu Kashmir is to propel the region and its cricketing talent into the global mainstream. The focal point of this vision is to provide world-class cricketing infrastructure, creating a sustainable environment for growth. The picturesque landscapes of AJK, often celebrated for their breathtaking beauty, will now serve as the backdrop for a new era of sporting excellence.


At the heart of this transformative journey lies a compelling mission: to develop the most modern sports infrastructure for the people of Kashmir. This involves a comprehensive approach that includes upgrading existing sports facilities, establishing new academies in various cities across AJK, and ultimately, providing a global platform for the region’s untapped talent. The mission is not merely about building stadiums but nurturing a culture of sportsmanship and resilience.

Core Values:

The foundation of this ambitious venture rests on a set of core values that reflect the principles Kashif Devel believes are crucial for success. These values include fair dealing, integrity, compliance, transparency, friendliness, commitment, innovation, and honesty. Each value contributes to the holistic development of not only cricketing prowess but also the character of the individuals involved.

Fair Dealing: Ensuring equity and justice in all interactions, fostering an environment of trust and mutual respect.

Integrity: Upholding the highest moral and ethical standards, both on and off the field.

Compliance: Adhering to rules and regulations, promoting a culture of discipline and responsibility.

Transparency: Open communication and accountability, ensuring that every action is clear and understandable.

Friendliness: Fostering a welcoming and supportive environment that encourages camaraderie and teamwork.

Commitment: Dedication to the cause, working tirelessly to achieve the set goals and aspirations.

Innovation: Embracing creativity and adaptability to stay at the forefront of cricketing excellence.

Honesty: Maintaining truthfulness and authenticity in all dealings, building a foundation of trust.


As Kashif Devel’s vision for Azad Jammu Kashmir takes root, it becomes clear that this endeavor is not just about cricket; it’s about shaping a future where the people of AJK can stand proudly on the global stage. The integration of world-class infrastructure, a nurturing environment for talent, and a commitment to core values paints a promising picture for the region. The journey towards cricketing excellence has begun, and Azad Jammu Kashmir is poised to leave an indelible mark on the world of sports.

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